Are you an employee? Have you ever have the desire to be a boss at your workplace or even in your own company? I’m sure your answer is “yes, I want to be a boss!” One question that sometimes comes across to the employee’s mind “how can he be my boss?” Actually the answer is simple, “Your boss is more powerful than you are”. If you once saw the fragment of the dialogue on the Spiderman movie when the dying uncle, Ben whispered to Peter Parker “with great power comes great responsibility”. Surely this phrase does not only apply to the superhero, but applies to everyone in all areas. Being a boss that someone carries does not come by itself. Most of them started their career as an employee at first. Their hard work and persistence have lead them through the career path up to the present position, due to their capability in carrying the responsibility as a Boss. One of the most influential factors for career path is work productivity. An employee with good work productivity may have an opportunity to achieve or have qualities as the boss.
No matter what your profession is, being more productive should be your ultimate goal in work that will take you in the position you want. Successful professionals are people who always use their working hours as effectively and as productively as possible. Here are some tips to improve your work productivity.
- Do not access social networking during work. Addictions to something will destruct your productivity, including when you are addicted to access social media that are popular now. Then access the social network after working hours.
- Set the target and deadline. Setting targets can be your work booster, because the achievement will show your performance. You must also set the specific time to stop working. This is called the Deadline that will force you to be more disciplined at work.
- Create a priority scale. You get BBM or Whatsapp notifications and your customers are waiting for the results of your work. Which one is more important? Thousands of people experience the same situation every day. We must learn to more prioritize urgent things than wasting energy on less important things.
- Break down the work into smaller parts. Have you ever had a jumbo-sized meatball that bigger than a tennis ball?. It would be hard for you to eat it at one bite. You need to bite it bit by bit first. It also applies to the work.
- Learn to say ‘No’ and never say ‘Maybe’. Helping others can be a great motivation for ourselves. However, you need to learn to say “no” when your help has nothing to do with your goals and priorities. Avoid saying ‘maybe’ because it can turn it into a personal interest.
By running these tips, it will certainly improve your work productivity and it may open your opportunity to reach the higher level.