Spread more kindness with the Best Application for Nonprofit
Zahir helps you to start and grow your restaurant business.
Starting a restaurant business has never been this easy

Zahir Helps your business
to grow even faster

Record all transactions with full of honesty and truthful
Managing the records of Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah has never been easier. Easily access the recording of receipts for your branch offices in other cities, so the recording is done in real time.

Costs recording
Clear and detailed cost recording is highly important for Non-profit organization. So we can get the trust from donors as they can get the forms of accountability of funds that have been given to your organization or institution in details. No more manual recording!.

Manage Non-profit transactions accurately
For the needs of non-profit institutions, Zahir offers convenience to manage and for the transactions of Infaq, sodaqoh and waqf. Starting from receiving funds to channeling funds, you can monitor them in real time from various branches of your non-profit institution.

Full control of your cash flow
Cash flow is one of the most important elements in your institution. Zahir provides a cash flow statement that can help you analyze your nonprofit’s financial realtime. So you can now relax and trust Zahir to grow and create a more efficient process for your institution.

Financial report in seconds
Could you get financial report for your institution in seconds? Absolutely! All financial reports is available in a matter of seconds for you to make a faster and important decision making for your organization.
Zahir Helps your business
to grow even faster
Record all transactions with full of honesty and truthful
Managing the records of Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah has never been easier. Easily access the recording of receipts for your branch offices in other cities, so the recording is done in real time.

Costs recording
Clear and detailed cost recording is highly important for Non-profit organization. So we can get the trust from donors as they can get the forms of accountability of funds that have been given to your organization or institution in details. No more manual recording!.
Manage Non-profit transactions accurately
For the needs of non-profit institutions, Zahir offers convenience to manage and for the transactions of Infaq, sodaqoh and waqf. Starting from receiving funds to channeling funds, you can monitor them in real time from various branches of your non-profit institution.

Full control of your cash flow
Cash flow is one of the most important elements in your institution. Zahir provides a cash flow statement that can help you analyze your nonprofit’s financial realtime. So you can now relax and trust Zahir to grow and create a more efficient process for your institution.
Financial report in seconds
Could you get financial report for your institution in seconds? Absolutely! All financial reports is available in a matter of seconds for you to make a faster and important decision making for your organization.