Being in a working environment with decline peer performance and negative issues will influence our performance and employees are no longer concerned with their work. What should we do then? Looking for any reasons to blame the work values only leads to  demoralization. So they are no longer enthusiastic in doing their work, deny responsibility, and rely on others to solve problems. This happens because of lack of accountability.

Idealist employees will choose to leave the company – if they can. Otherwise, they will decide “okay, I may be fit into this culture and be part of the others”.

What is Accountability?

Accountability is the functioning of all components of the company’s business activities in accordance with their respective duties and authorities (source:

The results are communicated and understood by everyone. Accountability is proactively determined, prior something happens, not reactively, after something happens. When an error occurs, the response does not indicate to blame or an excuse. But how to solve the problem and learn from the mistake. Every employee has a sense of belonging to the company and does as the company objectives.

How to build the accountability culture?

Started with LEADERSHIP!

Leaders – from the top and at all levels – will provide a clear and consistent message regarding “what we are doing here”.

Here are 8 things leaders can do in order to build the accountability culture

1.Role of an accountability attitude.It is very common that many organizations will avoid mistakes or irregularities in the organization to avoid legal problems. However, this will only make it worse and give the employee a message to leave the responsibility into account. When a leader can stand in front of his employees and say, “I made a mistake – and this is how we will fix it” is a positive example of an accountability attitude that employees will not hesitate to follow.

  1. Setting results and expectations Do not wait until something goes wrong and then waste energy by looking for someone to blame. Set clear standards and expectations, even before starting a job. Then make sure all employees have awareness and understand what the organization’s goal and what employees expect. Every employee must have a clear insight regarding to the company objectives.
  2. Commitment”OK, I will try” is not a commitment. Ask “Can I have your commitments ?, and listen to every opinion. Working together with employees to overcome barriers and get an idea of what they need to fulfill their commitments.
  3. Available for any feedback and solve problems .The door of the organization is always open to employees who want to express objections or problems within the organization without any fear or pressure

5.Employ personnel with accountability.Do not employ personnel based on technical skills and experience only, but also consider their compatibility with the work culture of the organization.

  1. Train employees to be accountable.Employees have diverse backgrounds where they have never been taught about accountability. They only learn about skills and attitudes such as critical thinking before they can develop themselves in the accountability culture.

7.Consequence and support. There must be consequences given to poor performance and support positive attitudes and outcomes.

  1. Maintain accountability. In the accountability culture, leaders not only maintain employee accountability, but also each employee’s remind each other to be accountable. Every employee has a sense of belonging for the organization’s purpose. Leaders must be able to role, teach, and encourage this accountability.

Culture will turn into positive when the leaders consistently apply the 8 principles above. If they are unwilling to do so, it may be the time to find a new leader.