Vendor Vs Customer

In business, vendor and customer have close relationship. Vendors are parties which provide products, while customers need their products. Both vendors and customers should be able to understand each other. Vendors should be able to recognize the customers’ needs, while customers should be able to know the vendor’s’ product or service.

However, some misunderstanding related to vendor -customer relationship often arise. Very often, vendors think that they understand what the customers’ needs. On the other side, customer consider that vendor could not fully provide their needs. These make the sales task become less efficient.

For example, an advertising agency is assigned by its client to create a company advertising. Since there is no synchronization between client and agency, then the agency creates an ad to boost the brand, while the customer needs an ad to encourage market purchase the product. According to vendor, he has spent his time, energy, and ideas to boost the brand, but in customer’s opinion it has not met their needs. This problem should be handled wisely, otherwise conflict arise.Therefore, it is necessary to synchronize perception between vendors and customers.

Like a symbiotic mutualism, the relationship between vendors and customers is mutual need. Customers need products or services and vendors need income. The slogan ‘Customer Is The King’ seems to encourage customers to do as they want. For example the customer is entitled to choose a vendor, but the vendor can not choose the customer. Customers may cancel the appointment anytime, but if the vendors cancel it, they are  considered unprofessional. The relationship between customers and vendor should be placed in win-win solution. The positive relationship will build a strong cooperation for both parties.

Customers and vendor relationships should be taken proportionally, where both parties   appreciate and respect each other. Good communication will support both sides to understand what their needs are.