Most large companies usually have business accountant to perform the bookkeeping tasks. Even a small business, having an accountant is also necessary. Small business owner may hire a part-time business accountant to reduce cost for salary. It is generally known that the accountant salary is high. Why? an accountant does not only perform the bookkeeping tasks and record the financial activities, but also has other important function within the company.
The business accountant’s tasks are:
- An accountant performs office operations functions that keep the business running smoothly and effectively, including payroll, cash receipts and cash disbursements, materials and stock purchases, and other records.
- An accountant prepares tax returns, including value added tax (VAT) return to company (VAT refund), as well as salary and other tax investments.
- An accountant determines how to measure and record the product costs and how to allocate the costs in the different departments and other organizational units within the company.
- An accountant is a professional profits recorder in the business world. It means that accountants are the ones who determine how much exactly the company profit earned. In addition, the accountant also know the company losses during certain period. Accountants prepare reports and inform the cost and expenses to the corporate managers. Above all, the most important task of accountants are to help the managers to understand the changing performance in the company.
- An accountant prepares financial statements that help the owners and shareholders to recognize the business financial position. Shareholders will not invest their fund in the company without a clear understanding of the financial health that is periodically presented a financial statement.
- In short, the accountant’s tasks is more complex than the bookkeeper (the recorder of transactions). They provide their expertise in helping corporate managers to make decisions that keep these companies on the right track, toward their positive financial goals.
Individuals have invested capital into companies, or companies lend them money. Therefore they have financial interest and need to know how well their business runs. This main financial report is also used by the company managers to keep him well-informed, recognize the business condition, and company’s financial position. These accountants should help managers to control business performance, identify problems, and plan the future direction of the business.