In general, there are 4 simple steps to create an impressive presentation :

  1. Plan & Preparing. The first thing to prepare your presentation is recognizing your audiences. You must know to whom the presentations will be delivered. Presentation to IT managers will certainly be different from the presentation given to the Finance manager or the President Director. IT managers will be more concerned about how solutions can help their work, while Finance Managers will be more focused on how the offered solutions offered can reduce the company’s cost. The second point is, planning the purpose of the presentation. Presentation with the purpose of selling the solution would have different content from presenting the product knowledge. Presentations for selling will convey the benefits of the product and recommendation to purchase the product. Presentations for product knowledge will further explore the details of the product, such as product specifications and operations.
  2.  The content or material of presentation and how to present it. Generally the presentation structure is divided into 3 parts,opening , content and closing. The purpose of opening part is to attract the audience to listen to your presentation. You can reveal some interesting facts, a story or a question. An example of a question method in a presentation opening is “Do you want a successful presentation?”, Or “How can your company reduce 90% of operational costs?”. Besides the opening part, the closing part is also has great influence. These two points are very crucial because it determines the success in the presentation. After preparing the presentation material, then think about how to deliver it. The most common way is to use PowerPoint. The other way is using cards that contain ideas to be presented or telling the theme without any tools.
  3. Practice (PRACTICE). Being nervous, get sweat, or forget what to present are the most common things happen when you are not ready or get used to perform public speaking. To overcome this, you need to practice more. For example speaking in front of the mirror, colleagues, or relatives. The more often you perform the presentation or public speaking, the more confidence you will be and your nervous will disappear.
  4. PRESENT. During delivering a presentation, convince yourself that you are doing a useful thing. This will help you to maximize your energy to deliver your presentation, so that your audience can also feel your positive energy. Remove all their doubts by assuring them that you are a competent, well-informed, and well- prepared presenter. Your preparation start from personal appearance, gestures, and deliver the secondary data or supporting information. If you want to be treated as an executive, dressed like an executive. Neat and clean outfit will raise your confidence and make yourself the center of attention.

10 Tricks for effective selling :

  1. Set the deadline. Suppose you write this down, “if you sign up before September 15th, you will get a discount or product bonus”. This method will encourage prospective clients to immediately make a purchase.
  2. Bonus. Besides the main product,provide some bonuses. Bonus can be in e-book, newsletter, and others.
  3. Offer a warranty. For example, 30 days, 60 days or even a year. The longer the warranty period is given, the better effect in increasing sales. This will make customers feel secure to purchase your products.
  4. Re-seller offer. Offer the selling right with certain commission when they join. Commission applies for every sales they make.
  5. Display product testimonials. This will boost your business credibility and ensure customers that your business is trustworthy.
  6. Excellent service. Whatever products you sell, providing service should not be ignored. Customers are getting smarter today. They are not only consider your product, but also the service given.
  7. Provide any communication tools. E-mail is no longer sufficient to keep in touch to your customers. You have to maximize your service through other communication media, such as telephone, chat and social media.
  8. Provide report or free product. To attract the potential customer,provide report or free product. The free product should be able to deliver an understanding towards your business and drive sales.
  9. Proper marketing strategy. There are many marketing strategy to be applied. For example by joint venture or having cooperation with other business owner.
  10. Create a blog. Blog is one of the necessary media to maintain communication between your business and customers.Through blogs you can lead traffic to sales web.