The work scale priority  in work is needed to manage the job list based on the priority scale. Determining the  scale priority in work usually influenced by the worker’s status which also influence the priority taken. Like a doctor, he put his priority to serve patients and provide sufficient medical equipment. Managing the scale priority  enables the worker to recognize which job should go first so it saves time. On the other hand, if someone does not have or set the proper scale priority in working, it will disturb his work activities such can not finish the task timely. For that reason,setting the scale priority in work is necessary for someone in doing the task or work. Then how to set priority scale  in working properly? Here are the description:

  1. Work analysis

The first tip is to analyze the work. Work analysis is taken into account in order to recognize the work level, such as the complicated and simple parts should be separated. Then, you can arrange your job in sequence based on the time frame to set which job should be settled first.

  1. Determine the main goal

Intuition is needed to set the scale priority in work and make a decision. So it would be better if you have the goal for your job in weekly time frame. It helps you to work according to the main goal first and then the next job.

  1. Evaluation

Evaluation is related to job urgency, the settled one or unfinished. There are some aspects of the job to be considered. Such as the job influence towards yourself, teamwork, and surroundings. This evaluation allows you to complete the urgent job first.

  1. Work plan

Work plan is useful to know and remember the job deadline. In addition, preparing the work plan can be conducted by combining some jobs into specific time. This only can be done when  you know exactly what the job is about and how long it takes to complete it.  It is expected by having work plan you will be more focused and productive.

  1. Filter the activity

After determining which is important, then it will be better to filter the job to decide which job should be conducted first and which one can wait. Overload jobs will cause you unable to remember the jobs in line.

  1. Combine the work

The purpose of combining work that can be conducted at the same time is to save your time and finish your job faster. However, it may cause the person’s inconsistency in doing his work.

  1. Avoid bad habits

You have set the scale priority  at work but still doing bad habits, such as postponed the jobs. Of course it will not make your established scale priority meet the target. Not only influence your job that could not finish on time, but also your career progress in the future. Avoid bad habits in order to finish your job timely and meet the established target of your scale priority.

Time is the most precious thing in life. It will be much better to use the time wisely for  useful activities. It also will make you a better person than before. You can also learn the right priority scale for success.